The main focus of the research activities of the Department of Romance Studies
An integral part of each academic workplace is scientific activity. Members of the Department of Romance Studies develop their scientific activities mainly in the fields of French and Spanish linguistics and in the study of Spanish and French written literatures.
Main research branches:
- feminization in Romance languages
- reflection of the historical memory of the transition of dictatorships to democracy in Spanish-language literature.
Furthermore, members of the department deal with:
- Morphosyntax of modern French focusing on the expression of aspect, verbal action and prepositions.
- Development of the French language on the internet (chat, blogs, Facebook, Twitter).
- French lexicology and phraseology – delimitation and definition of individual types of phraseological units and description of their synergetic functioning on the lexical level of the language. Typology of phraseological units and their definition in relation to other lexical means.
- Comparative French-Czech lexicology and lexical semantics, terminology and analysis of religious discourse.
- Specialist French and terminology – economics, law, tourism.
- Translation theory and practice.
- Didactic issues related to French language acquisition, translation in foreign language teaching, teaching specialist language.
- The French novel from the 19th century, French 19th and 20th century poetry, the avant-garde, French theatre (especially in the 20th century), contemporary French literature.
- The current language situation in Spanish, normativity and plurality of norms in Spanish, interference between Galician and Spanish, Spanish linguistic terminology.
- Word-formation – neologisms in modern Spanish, synchronic and diachronic aspects of the Spanish pronoun system.
- Linguistics of translation – comparative Spanish-Czech stylistics focusing on translation theory and practice.
- Didactic issues related to Spanish language acquisition, teaching specialist Spanish, interculturality in teaching specialist Spanish for economics, translation in Spanish language teaching, development of language skills in the context of language teaching in a pluralistic and multicultural Europe.
- History of Spain – the Inquisition, Carlism, Francoism, the democratic transformation. History of Latin America, with a focus on Argentina, Chile, Uruguay etc. with a focus on authoritarian regimes.
- The Spanish postmodern novel.
- Latin American literature: Alejo Carpentier, interactions of literature and music in art.
Updated: 09. 04. 2020