Our story

Founded in 1991, the Faculty of Arts is one of the largest faculties at the University of Ostrava. Currently the Faculty has over 2000 students and more than 120 academic staff. Half of its twelve departments focus on philological disciplines (modern and classical languages and linguistics), while the remaining departments specialize in a range of social sciences and humanities – psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, art history and cultural heritage, Czech literature and literary theory.

Research forms an integral part of academic life at the Faculty, which has several specialist research centres. Academic staff and students participate in a wide range of Czech and international research projects, and the Faculty also has a strong tradition of publishing – both monographs and its own specialist periodicals (all these publications are available direct from the University’s bookstore). The Faculty is regularly rated as one of the top three faculties of its type in the Czech Republic in surveys held by the Association of Students and Graduates.

The Faculty of Arts is based in a complex of buildings located in Ostrava’s historic city centre. It includes a study rooms, a student club and a student bar situated in the central courtyard area. The Faculty’s location in the heart of the city enables it to play an active role in the community, contributing to Ostrava’s vibrant cultural life. The Faculty cultivates close links with many of the city’s cultural and educational organizations, non-profit institutions, and other partners from both the private and public sectors. As part of its strong roots in the local community, the Faculty offers a range of lifelong learning courses and programmes helping people to update and expand their skills and qualifications, offering a valuable competitive advantage on the job market.

Updated: 16. 04. 2024