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Dalibor Janiš
Academic degree, name, surname:
doc. Mgr. Dalibor Janiš, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
XH 305, Building XH
Project Coordinator
Research interests and teaching:
Department (Faculty):
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 1975
Personal website:
No record found.
Year: 2021, Acta Musealia
journal article
Year: 2020, Matice moravská
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019, Acta Musealia
journal article
Year: 2019, Národní památkový ústav
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019, Peeters
specialist book chapter
Dalibor Janiš, Jan Štětina
Year: 2019, Zprávy památkové péče
journal article
Dalibor Janiš, Radim Vrla, Jan Štětina, Jana Langová, Jiří Holík, Zdeněk Vácha, Zdeněk Schenk ... other authors
Year: 2018, Spolek přátel hradu Lukova
specialist book
Year: 2017, Tabularium Historiae
journal article
Dalibor Janiš, Jiří Holík, Jana Langová, Radim Vrla
Year: 2015, Spolek přátel hradu Lukova
specialist book
journal article
Year: 2024, Archeologický ústav AV ČR Brno
specialist book chapter
Year: 2024, Historia Aperta
journal article
Year: 2024, Brepols
specialist book chapter
Year: 2024, Forum Historiae
journal article
Year: 2023, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny
specialist book chapter
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Dalibor Janiš, Jana Janišová
Year: 2023, Fontes Nissae – Prameny Nisy
journal article
Year: 2023, Ostravská univerzita - Scriptorium
specialist book
Kateřina Lančová, Michaela Závodná, Aleš Zářický, Jiří Brňovják, Lumír Dokoupil, Radek Lipovski, Ludmila Nesládková, Hana Šústková, Lenka Nováková, Janusz Jan Spyra, Marzena Agnieszka Bogus, Radoslav DANĚK, Jana Davidová Glogarová, Dalibor Janiš, Václav Kaška, Lenka Vaňková, Jaroslav David, Michal Místecký, Petr Hrtánek, Michal Przywara, Irena Bogoczová, Jerzy Sperka, Jiří Knapík, Radim Jež, Pavel Kufa, Ondřej Kolář, Ivana Kolářová, Martin Krůl, David Pindur ... other authors
Year: 2023, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book
Year: 2023, Statutární město Zlín
specialist book chapter
Year: 2023, Vydavatelství Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci
specialist book chapter
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022, Brno v minulosti a dnes
journal article
Dalibor Janiš, Jana Janišová, Martin Aschenbrenner, Jan Štětina, Jan Rucz
Year: 2021, Římskokatolická farnost - děkanství Zákupy
specialist book
Year: 2021, Munipress
specialist book chapter
Year: 2021, Neuveden
specialist book chapter
Year: 2021, Acta Musealia
journal article
Dalibor Janiš, Jana Janišová
Year: 2020, Archiv města Brna
specialist book chapter
Year: 2020, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny
specialist book
Year: 2020, Matice moravská
specialist book chapter
Year: 2020, Acta Musealia
journal article
Year: 2019, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019, Acta Musealia
journal article
Year: 2019, Národní památkový ústav
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019
work experience abroad
Year: 2019, Dějiny a současnost
journal article
Dalibor Janiš, Jan Štětina
Year: 2019, Petr Mikota
specialist book chapter
Dalibor Janiš, Jana Janišová
Year: 2019, Matice moravská
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019, Peeters
specialist book chapter
Dalibor Janiš, Jan Štětina
Year: 2019, Zprávy památkové péče
journal article
Dalibor Janiš, Radim Vrla, Jan Štětina, Jana Langová, Jiří Holík, Zdeněk Vácha, Zdeněk Schenk ... other authors
Year: 2018, Spolek přátel hradu Lukova
specialist book
Year: 2018
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2018
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2018
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2018, Město Holešov
specialist book chapter
Year: 2017, Tabularium Historiae
journal article
Year: 2017
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Dalibor Janiš, Jan Štětina
Year: 2017, Castellologica Bohemica
journal article
Hrady a tvrze na biskupském panství Kelč (K problematice sídel nižší služebné šlechty ve středověku)
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2017, Časopis Matice moravské
journal article
Dalibor Janiš, Zdeněk Štaffen, Radim Vrla
Year: 2017, Průzkumy památek
journal article
Year: 2017, Księżi młyn
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Dalibor Janiš, Radim Vrla, Jana Langová
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2016
organizing conference, workshop
Dalibor Janiš, Jana Janišová
Year: 2016
abstract in proceedings
Dalibor Janiš, Jana Janišová
Year: 2016
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2016, Studie o rukopisech
journal article
Year: 2016
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2016, Centrum medievistických studií AV ČR a UK při Filosofickém ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i. v Praze
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Obec Hvozdná
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny
specialist book chapter
Dalibor Janiš, Jana Janišová
Year: 2015, Římskokatolická farnost Chvalnov
specialist book
Dalibor Janiš, Jiří Holík, Jana Langová, Radim Vrla
Year: 2015, Spolek přátel hradu Lukova
specialist book
Dalibor Janiš, Zdeněk Vácha, Radim Vrla
Year: 2015, Archaeologia historica
journal article
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2014
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2014
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014
published expert opinions, reviews
No record found.
Type of thesis
Czopik Lukáš
Lords of Miličín, Their Genealogy and Land Possession
Master's thesis
Hermanová Barbora
Marriage in the Normative Sources and Practice of Moravian Provincial Law in 1480-1550 and the Prospect of Transmitting the Topic in History Teaching
Master's thesis
Kocourek Tomáš
Oldřich II of Rožmberk - His Political Career and Relations to Sigismund of Luxembourg
Master's thesis
Lančová Kateřina
Towns in Northeast Moravia as a Part of the Dominion of the Olomouc Bishopric in 1496-1564
Master's thesis
Sikorová Anna
Settlements of Great Moravia in the Uherské Hradiště Region and the Transmitting the Topic to History Teaching
Master's thesis
Niklasch Ondřej
The Lords of Šelmberk and Their Land Possession in the Late Middle Ages
Bachelor's thesis
Rusoň Jan
Prince John II of Opava and his Property Background and Political Activities
Bachelor's thesis
Vidlička Marek
Armor and Weapons on Late Medieval and Renaissance Noble Tombstones in Moravia and in Czech Silesia
Bachelor's thesis
Hrochová Helena
Plague Epidemics in Narrative Sources in the Czech Lands in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Bachelor's thesis
Vašková Kateřina
Early Medieval Croatian State in the 10th and 11th Centuries
Bachelor's thesis
Pěgřím Marek
Personality of Sigismund Korybut and His Activities in the Czech Lands
Bachelor's thesis
Kania Kryštof
Family Tvorkovský of Kravař, its genealogy and land possession until 1620
Bachelor's thesis
Augustinová Klára
Southeast Moravia as a communication space in the early and high Middle Ages
Bachelor's thesis
Czopik Lukáš
Bishop of Olomouc Pavel of Miličín, his life and activity
Bachelor's thesis
Lindovská Simona
The estate of Bílovec, its holders and development in the Middle Ages
Bachelor's thesis
Macáková Naděžda
The Moravian line of lords of Landštejn, its genealogy and land possession
Bachelor's thesis
Cabák Ondřej
Development of towns in the upper Bečva region in the Middle Ages
Bachelor's thesis
Čerevková Radka
Settling of foreign nobility in the Czech lands in the 13th and 14th centuries
Bachelor's thesis
Gajdorus Filip
The family of Donát of Velká Polom, its genealogy and land possession until 1620
Bachelor's thesis
Hermanová Barbora
The marriage policy of the Luxembourg dynasty on the example of the descendants of Charles IV.
Bachelor's thesis
Kocourek Tomáš
The family of Rožmberk and its position in the provincial and courtly structures of medieval Bohemia
Bachelor's thesis
Korbelka Jan
The family of Sedlnický of Choltice, its land possession in northeast Moravia
Bachelor's thesis
Krausová Tereza
The estate of Hranice, its holders and development in the Middle Ages
Bachelor's thesis
Kubiczek Michal
Zdeněk of Šternberk and Konopiště, the Bohemian nobleman of post-hussite and Podiebrader era
Bachelor's thesis
Lančová Kateřina
The medieval settlement of Brušperk region
Bachelor's thesis
Sikorová Anna
History of Great Moravia and its reflection in the museum expositions and exhibitions of the Museum of Moravian Slovakia
Bachelor's thesis
Zajícová Adéla
The castle as a noble residence on the example of the Lords of Kravaře
Bachelor's thesis
Žákovčíková Alžběta
The role of horses in the milieu of Bohemian and Moravian nobility in the Middle Ages
Bachelor's thesis
Křižková Michaela
The family of Rájecký of Mírov, its genealogy and land possession
Bachelor's thesis
Main solver
doc. Mgr. Dalibor Janiš, Ph.D.
1/2025 - 12/2025
Specifický VŠ výzkum
Main solver
doc. Mgr. Dalibor Janiš, Ph.D.
1/2024 - 12/2024
Specifický VŠ výzkum
Main solver
doc. Mgr. Dalibor Janiš, Ph.D.
1/2023 - 12/2023
Specifický VŠ výzkum
Main solver
doc. Mgr. Dalibor Janiš, Ph.D.
1/2022 - 12/2022
Specifický VŠ výzkum
Main solver
doc. Mgr. Dalibor Janiš, Ph.D.
1/2019 - 12/2021
Standardní projekt GA ČR
Main solver
doc. Mgr. Dalibor Janiš, Ph.D.
1/2020 - 12/2020
Specifický VŠ výzkum
Main solver
doc. Mgr. Dalibor Janiš, Ph.D.
1/2018 - 12/2019
Specifický VŠ výzkum