Call for Papers

Centre for the Research of Professional Language / Zentrum für Fachsprachenforschung
University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic
November 6 – 8, 2024
Registration deadline:
August 31, 2024
Conference e-mail:
Working languages:
English, German, French, Spanish

Centre for the Research of Professional Language, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava (the Czech Republic) invites colleagues to participate in 

The Changing Landscape of Professional Discourse III,

which will take place from 6-8 November 2024, following on from the second conference in the series (2019): The conference aims to provide a forum to discuss current processes of change and development in professional discourse and language for specific purposes. We welcome contributions exploring authentic texts from diverse professional fields which, based on their analysis, reach broader generalizations.

We welcome contributions exploring topics in the follwing sections:

Construction of expertise in the media

The media world, which has significantly expanded thanks to the digital space, comprises a large number of resources that provide specialized knowledge to the general public. This section primarily focuses on the following questions: How are professional/expert contents presented in various media? By what means is the expertise of these texts constituted? How do authors establish themselves as experts?

Professional/expert terminology in context

The aim of the section is to address the question of how the perception of a certain word as a technical term is influenced by context, and how technical terms can change their meaning and function within a context. Attention will also be paid to the issue of technical synonyms. How are synonymous technical terms used in different contexts and different media? How is the choice of a synonymous term influenced by its level of specialization?

Metaphors in professional/expert language and communication

Metaphors play a significant role in professional languages and communication. In this section, the following questions will be discussed in particular: How does metaphorization contribute to the expansion of the professional/expert vocabulary in individual fields? How do metaphors contribute in professional/expert communication to the understanding and interpretation of technical content? Which metaphorical concepts are reflected in the metaphors used in various disciplines?

Translating professional texts and new technologies

New technologies of recent years have changed the translation process and the role of translators. The aim of this section is to highlight possibilities, opportunities and boundaries that are associated with the use of CAT tools and AI in the field of professional text translation.

Professional texts and professional communication in historical context

The analysis of texts from past eras helps to reveal how professional communication has evolved in the past and how it reflects various factors that influence professional communication, such as the author, recipient, medium or place.

New ways of transferring professional knowledge in teaching

On the one hand, the pandemic of the past years has significantly contributed to a more intensive use of new technologies and new teaching methods, so that they are now an inherent part of our daily teaching routine; but on the other hand, methods, teaching strategies and ways of working have had to adapt to the new post-coronavirus reality and the needs of pupils/students. This section focuses on the positives and negatives of the modified aspects of today's discipline-specific teaching practices.


Registration form

The registration deadline has been extended to August 31, 2024.
We will notify you of the acceptance of your abstract by 31 August 2024.

Conference fee: 1500 CZK / 60 EUR

When your paper has been accepted, please fill in the registration for payment form.

We cordially invite you to participate in our conference.

Updated: 18. 07. 2024