About the Department

The Department of Philosophy offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Philosophy, a Bachelor degree in Basics of Social Sciences, a Master’s degree for future teachers of Basics of Social Sciences, and a doctoral degree in Philosophy. The Department’s Philosophy degrees can be studied either full-time or as part-distance studies (the other degrees are for full-time students only).

The Department also teaches social sciences disciplines (philosophy, ethics, logic, economics, political science, Bible studies, Judaic studies, religious studies) for all faculties at the University.

The Department’s staff pursue a broad range of research interests, covering various phases in the development of philosophy (ancient, medieval, modern, contemporary, postmodern) and specializing in various philosophical disciplines (metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, political science, religion, philosophy of nature, philosophy of history). Research also focuses on various philosophical aspects of the contemporary world (medical ethics, feminism, applied ethics, interpretation of artworks, Bible studies, philosophy of language). Other members of the Department focus on applied research and the application of philosophy in analyzing regional issues, equality, justice, dialogue and current issues in civil society and local democracy.

Updated: 27. 11. 2017

Life at the Department

Is our mind active during perception? Is our approach to the world direct, or mediated via representations? How to understand cognitive processes such as memory or imagination, which appear to be between perception and understanding?

Why study at the Department

The Department of Philosophy offers foreign students a range of courses taught in foreign languages (mainly English).