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Jiří Brňovják
Academic degree, name, surname:
doc. Mgr. Jiří Brňovják, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
XH 307, Building XH
Study Advisor, Department Coordinator for Students with Special Needs
Research interests and teaching:
Department (Faculty):
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 1968
2002 – 2005
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts, Department of History - Doctoral studies of Economic and Social History (Ph.D.)
1996 – 2002
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts, Department of History - Master's studies of Specialized History (Mgr.)
Working Practice
Since 2008
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts, Department of History - Lecturer
Since 2008
University of Ostrava, Centre for Economic and Social History - Independent academic staff member
Provincial Archives in Opava - Specialized archivist
2005 – 2007
Ostrava City Archives - Specialized archivist
Nobilitas in historia moderna (publikační řada)
Historica. History and Related Sciences Review
Muzeum Těšínska
Basic research specialization
History of the Habsburg monarchy in the early modern period political history, structure of the professional (noble) society, nobilitation and professionality, history of administration, history of Hungarian and Austrian Silesia, modern Czech noble and communal heraldry
Year: 2023, Historica. Revue pro historii a příbuzné vědy
journal article
Year: 2018, Biblioteka i Forum Kultury w Oleśnicy, Institut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego
specialist book chapter
Year: 2017, Muzeum Těšínska
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Historica. Revue pro historii a příbuzné vědy
journal article
Year: 2016, Historický ústav SAV
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Fundacja Silva Rerum Polonarum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Herold-Jahrbuch
journal article
Year: 2014
work experience abroad
Year: 2012
work experience abroad
Jiří Brňovják, Karel Müller
Year: 2024
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2024, Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book chapter
Jiří Brňovják, Dagmar Grossmannová, Ondřej Haničák, Radim Jež, Ivana Maloušková, Jakub Mamula, Ilona Matejko-Peterka, Jiří Juchelka, Michaela Kollerová, Vladimír Maňas, Alexandr Michl.Bernard, Karel Müller, Jaromír Olšovský, Radek Polách , Radmila Prchal-Pavlíčková, Michael Schweller, Pavel Solnický, Arthur Stögmann, Jiří Šíl, Lenka Vaňková, Marek Vařeka, Jaroslav Zezulčík ... other authors
Year: 2024, Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book
Year: 2024
organizing exhibition (E)
specialist book chapter
Year: 2024, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2024, Statutární město Brno, Archiv města Brna
specialist book chapter
Year: 2024
organizing exhibition (E)
Petr Popelka, Jiří Brňovják, Martin Juřica
Year: 2024
organizing exhibition (E)
Year: 2023, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2023, Historica. Revue pro historii a příbuzné vědy
journal article
Kateřina Lančová, Michaela Závodná, Aleš Zářický, Jiří Brňovják, Lumír Dokoupil, Radek Lipovski, Ludmila Nesládková, Hana Šústková, Lenka Nováková, Janusz Jan Spyra, Marzena Agnieszka Bogus, Radoslav DANĚK, Jana Davidová Glogarová, Dalibor Janiš, Václav Kaška, Lenka Vaňková, Jaroslav David, Michal Místecký, Petr Hrtánek, Michal Przywara, Irena Bogoczová, Jerzy Sperka, Jiří Knapík, Radim Jež, Pavel Kufa, Ondřej Kolář, Ivana Kolářová, Martin Krůl, David Pindur ... other authors
Year: 2023, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book
Year: 2023, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2022
abstract in proceedings
Jiří Brňovják, Jaroslav Polách, Jaroslav Zezulčík
Year: 2022
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2022, Szkice archiwalno-historyczne
journal article
Year: 2021, Munipress
specialist book chapter
Year: 2021
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Radek Lipovski, Lucie Dokoupilová, Petr Popelka, Renata Popelková, Michaela Závodná, Jiří Brňovják, Radim Jež, Jan PEZDA, Lumír Dokoupil, Ludmila Nesládková, Pavel Kladiwa, David Pindur, Janusz Jan Spyra, Aleš Zářický, Andrea Pokludová, Romana ROSOVÁ, Lubor Hruška, Andrea Hrušková, Dagmar Saktorová, Ivana Foldynová, Lenka Jarošová, Lukáš Číhal, Oľga Šrajerová, Jindřich Roháček, David Kubáň ... other authors
Year: 2021, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book
Year: 2021
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2021, Sborník archivních prací
journal article
Year: 2021, Archivní časopis
journal article
Year: 2021, Ostrava. Příspěvky k dějinám a současnosti Ostravy a Ostravska
journal article
Year: 2021
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Jiří Brňovják, Dan Gawrecki, Lukáš Číhal, Ivana Foldynová, Martin Gajdošík, Tomáš HERMAN, Jana Horáková, Lubor Hruška, Andrea Hrušková, Lenka Jarošová, Radim Jež, Pavel Kladiwa, Ondřej Kolář, Ivana Kolářová, Igor Kyselka, Radek Lipovski, Zbyšek Ondřeka, Karolína Ondřeková, Jan PEZDA, David Pindur, Andrea Pokludová, Petr Popelka, Renata Popelková, Dagmar Saktorová, Pavel Šopák, Marta Šopáková, Oľga Šrajerová, Aleš Zářický, Michaela Závodná, Ludmila Nesládková, Lumír Dokoupil ... other authors
Year: 2021
certified methodologies and procedures
Hermann Lorenz von Kannegiesser na Strážovicích a Dalešicích a jeho dědicové, svobodní páni von Hess
Year: 2020, Genealogické a heraldické informace 2019
journal article
Year: 2020, Studia historica Brunensia
journal article
Aleš Zářický, Andrea Pokludová, Jiří Brňovják, Radek Lipovski, Petr Kadlec, Kamil Rodan, Jan Saheb, Marek Vařeka, Marzena Agnieszka Bogus, Lumír Dokoupil, Jiří Jung, Milan Myška, Petr Popelka, Hana Šústková, Michaela Závodná, Radoslav DANĚK, Ludmila Nesládková, Janusz Jan Spyra, Jan GROMNICA, Jan Hájek, Stanislav Knob, Lenka Nováková, Tomáš Krejčík, Jiří Novotný, Blažena Przybylová, Richard Psík ... other authors
Year: 2020, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book
Year: 2020, Múzeum mesta Bratislavy
specialist book chapter
Year: 2020
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2019, Folia Historica Bohemica
journal article
Year: 2019, Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Togga
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2019, neuvedeno
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019
abstract in proceedings
Jiří Brňovják, Marek Starý
Year: 2019
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2019
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2019, Fundacja Silva Rerum Polonarum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019
editorial work
Marek Vařeka, Jiří Brňovják, Marek Starý, Boguslaw Czechowicz, Jan Kilián, Radek Polách, Jana Janišová, Ewelina Mika, Krzysztof Czajkowski, Jan Hruboš ... other authors
Year: 2019, Fundacja Silva Rerum Polonarum
specialist book
Year: 2019
editorial work
journal article
Year: 2018, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
specialist book chapter
Year: 2018
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2018, Biblioteka i Forum Kultury w Oleśnicy, Institut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego
specialist book chapter
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017, Cornova. Revue České společnosti pro výzkum 18. století
journal article
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017, Studia historica Brunensia
journal article
Year: 2017
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2017, Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne Oddzial w Katowicach
specialist book chapter
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017, Muzeum Těšínska
specialist book chapter
Year: 2017
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016
work experience abroad
Year: 2016
work experience abroad
Year: 2016, Historica. Revue pro historii a příbuzné vědy
journal article
Year: 2016, Historický ústav SAV
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016, Slovenská pošta, a. s., Poštové muzeum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Fundacja Silva Rerum Polonarum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Mesto Holíč, Nadácia MeAM Stiftung
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Herold-Jahrbuch
journal article
Year: 2015, Bohemia. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder
journal article
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015, Slezský sborník
journal article
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
specialist book
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014
work experience abroad
Year: 2014
editorial and language revision
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Jiří Brňovják, Boguslaw Czechowicz
Year: 2014
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014, Peter Lang Intenational Academic Publishers
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
editorial and language revision
Year: 2013
editorial and language revision
Year: 2013
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny
specialist book chapter
Hana Šústková, Radoslav DANĚK, Jozef Šerka, Blažena Przybylová, Jiří Brňovják, Martin Juřica, Antonín Barcuch, Šárka Glombíčková, Vladimír Maňas, Zbyněk Moravec, Eva Rohlová, Michal Zezula ... other authors
Year: 2013, Nakladatelství Lidových novin
specialist book
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013, Ostravská univerzita, Filozofická a fakulta a Centrum pro hospodářské a sociální dějiny
specialist book chapter
Year: 2012
work experience abroad
Year: 2012
editorial and language revision
Year: 2012
editorial and language revision
Year: 2012, Těšínsko : vlastivědný časopis
journal article
Year: 2012, Verlag Degener et Co.
specialist book chapter
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012, Polska Akademia Nauk
specialist book chapter
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012, Slovenská genealogická a heraldická spoločnost
specialist book chapter
Aleš Zářický, Bogusław Czechowicz, Jiří Brňovják
Year: 2012
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2011, Cieszyńskie Studia Muzealne / Těšínský muzejní sborník
journal article
Year: 2011
editorial and language revision
Year: 2011
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Jiří Brňovják, Tomáš Krejčík, Michal Fiala, Jakub Hrdlička
Year: 2011, Archiv hlavního města Prahy, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
specialist book
Jiří Brňovják, Wacław Gojniczek, Aleš Zářický
Year: 2011
editorial work
The Institute of Byzantine Studies, School of History and Anthropology, ueen's University of Belfast
Year: 2011
work experience abroad
Year: 2011, OU, Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
specialist book chapter
Year: 2010
organizing conference, workshop
Jiří Brňovják, Jan Al Saheb, Jiří Stibor, Karel Müller
Year: 2010, Ostravská univerzita, Zemský archiv v Opavě, Muzeum Těšínska
specialist book
Year: 2010, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogörskiego
specialist book chapter
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2010
work experience abroad
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2009
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2009
editorial and language revision
Year: 2009, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2009
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2009
editorial work
Year: 2009
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2009
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Jiří Brňovják, Aleš Zářický, Wacław Gojniczek, David Pindur
Year: 2009
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2009, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2008, Filozofická fakulta Ostravské unicerzity
specialist book chapter
Year: 2008, Univerzita Karlova v Praze
specialist book chapter
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Milan Myška, Aleš Zářický, Lumír Dokoupil, Ludmila Nesládková, Pavel Kladiwa, Petr Popelka, Tomáš Krejčík, Andrea Pokludová, Jiří Brňovják, Stanislav Knob, Kamil Rodan, Jiří Stibor ... other authors
Year: 2008, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
specialist book
Year: 2008
editorial and language revision
Jiří Brňovják, Aleš Zářický, Milan Myška, Radoslav Daněk, Petr Popelka, Tomáš Krejčík, Zbyněk Žouželka, Hana Šústková ... other authors
Year: 2008, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book
Year: 2008
work experience abroad
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2007
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2007
organizing conference, workshop
Aleš Zářický, Jiří Brňovják
Year: 2007
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2007, SOkA Břeclav
specialist book chapter
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2006, Sborník archivních prací
journal article
Year: 2006, Sborník archivních prací
journal article
Year: 2006
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2006
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2006
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2006
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2005
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
No record found.
Type of thesis
Kubica Michal
The Estates Society of the Duchies of Opava and Krnov during the Reign of Maria Theresa
Doctoral thesis
Franc Jan
Tadeusz Kościuszko and his legacy in Polish, American and Czech historiography
Master's thesis
Pantálek Jáchym
Via exulantis. The ways of religious emigrants from Kravařsko region
Master's thesis
Gajdorus Filip
The Estates Society of the Principality of Opava (Troppau) in the Light of the Book of the Land Diet Proceedings from 1698-1704
Master's thesis
Kubica Michal
Habsburg ennoblement privileges recipients from Austrian Silesia in 1780-1804
Master's thesis
Šubert Roman
Business Activities of the Austro-Silesian Aristocracy in the second half of the 19th century and in early 20th Centuries
Bachelor's thesis
Greń Jakub
Life and philosophy of excommunicated priest Augustin Smetana (1814-1851)
Bachelor's thesis
Pszczolková Tereza
The castle in Frýdek and its construction development in the context of the residential strategy of its owners from the early modern period to the present
Bachelor's thesis
Stařinský Daniel
The Vetter von der Lilie Family and their Estate and Palais of Nová Horka
Bachelor's thesis
Steffan Filip
The Estate and Palais of Slatina and their Owners from 15th Century up to the Present
Bachelor's thesis
Burdová Jana
Nobility, estates and social rise in France from the 17th century to the begining of the 19th century
Bachelor's thesis
Kuzníková Barbora
Cultural heritage of the chateau residences of the Hvozdnice microregion
Bachelor's thesis
Maňasová Lenka
The History and Present State of the Museum of Frenštát pod Radhoštěm in the Context of the Development of Czech Museology and Local History in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Bachelor's thesis
Morysová Marie
Building the property base of the Teutonic Knights on the Moravian-Upper Silesian borderland in the 17th century
Bachelor's thesis
Pochyla Ondřej
The history of the Collalto family in Moravia 1623-1945
Bachelor's thesis
Szkwara Adrian
Changes in regional brewing on the example of municipal breweries in Moravian Ostrava and Fryštát and the noble brewery in Karviná in the 18th - 20th century
Bachelor's thesis
Novák Marek
Marquis De Lafayette and his traces in french, american and czech historiography
Bachelor's thesis
Roščáková Monika
The aristocratic family od Rothschild as an example of the rise of Jewish family among nobles and owners of large estates
Bachelor's thesis
Gurecká Kristina
The Change of Status of the Mariánské Hory Municipality to a Town and Bestowal of its Coat of Arms
Bachelor's thesis
Kramná Sabina
The Centre of Moravská Ostrava at the Beginning of 20th Century
Bachelor's thesis
Pantálek Jáchym
The history of family Zeisberger from Suchdol nad Odrou and their emigration
Bachelor's thesis
Drahotušský Jiří
Urbarium of the Hošťálkovy estate from 1667. Edition and content analysis
Bachelor's thesis
Rumanová Nikola
The Aristocracy in the Public Administration of Austrian Silesia in 1868-1918
Bachelor's thesis
Swienczyk Filip
The Moravian Book of the Oath of Loyalty No. 73 (1670-1704). Regesta and Content Analysis
Bachelor's thesis
Táborský Pavel
The princely house of Stolberg in the Principality of Opava in 19th and 20th centuries
Bachelor's thesis
Kočí Jiří
History of Valštejn from its beginning to the present time
Bachelor's thesis
Kubica Michal
The counts of Arco in Hošťálkovy 1837-1945
Bachelor's thesis
Malíková Kristina
The house of Spens-Booden in Upper Silesia in 19th and 20th centuries
Bachelor's thesis
Zajícová Petra
The counts of Stolberg in Northern Moravia and Austrian Silesia in 19th and 20th centuries
Bachelor's thesis
Žebroková Jana
Bachelor's thesis
Main solver
doc. Mgr. Jiří Brňovják, Ph.D.
1/2011 - 12/2013
Standardní projekt GA ČR
Main solver
doc. Mgr. Jiří Brňovják, Ph.D.
1/2004 - 12/2004
Fond rozvoje vysokých škol