Projects & Grants

Anthropocentrism in Ethics
Project IdSGS01/FF/2020
Main solverMgr. Martin Brezina, Ph.D.
Period1/2020 - 12/2020
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationAnthropocentrism is a position that places human and humanity in a superior position to other forms of existing entities. It assumes a starting point that is centered on man or assesses everything by human values and needs. The anthropocentric position serves, or should serve, human interests and it derives itself from human interests. Authors of this project are convinced that in the light of the current development of technology, and in particular of artificial intelligence, this position will be put to a difficult test that have to be examined in terms of ethics. The output of the project should be a) a set of studies that will examine ethical and social issues related to anthropocentrism and technology development from several angles, b) presentation of research results in professional forums.