Projects & Grants

Chosen Genre and Sub-Genre Transformations in Contemporary Czech Fiction II
Project IdSGS01/FF/2018
Main solverdoc. PhDr. Petr Hrtánek, Ph.D.
Period1/2018 - 12/2018
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe present project systematically continues in solving the tasks of the SGS project solved from the year 2017 in Department of Czech literature and literary criticism, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava. It is also concentrated on selected genre and sub-genre transformations (synchreses, penetrations, contaminations, modifications, etc.) in newer and the newest Czech literature. Of course, the present project has no ambition to deal with given phenomena in their full complexity. Its aim is to study selected genre (and sub-genre) transformations - either in the area of a single genre or sub-genre (e.g. tranformation of the short story cycle, historical novel, modern fairy-tale, comics graphic novel), or in the framework of individual personal poetics (e.g. genre profiles of the literary works of the following authors: Jaroslav Šavrda, Miloslav Topinka, Miroslav Rafaj, Helena Salichová, Jáchym Topol). At the same time, unstable and dynamic character of the genological system of contemporary fiction opens the possibility of following the questions of genres and sub-genres for example from the viewpoint of genre modes and the theory of fictional worlds or reception theory.