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Josef Kundrát
Academic degree, name, surname:
Mgr. Josef Kundrát, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
XH 801, Building XH
Erasmus Coordinator
Research interests and teaching:
Department (Faculty):
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 1962
No record found.
Year: 2025, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
journal article
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš, Lenka Skanderová, Tomáš Fabián, Jan Platoš, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, Tereza Benešová ... other authors
Year: 2023, Metaphor and Symbol
journal article
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, František Baumgartner, Tereza Benešová, Karel Paulík, Lenka Skanderová, Tomáš Fabián, Helena Beranová ... other authors
Year: 2023, Education and Information Technologies
journal article
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Tereza Benešová
Year: 2023
research report
Simona Oľhová, Barbara Lášticová, Josef Kundrát, Martin Kanovský
Year: 2023, Social Psychology of Education
journal article
Josef Kundrát, Lenka Skanderová, Karel Rečka
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš, Tereza Benešová, Kristina Thielová ... other authors
Year: 2022, Psychologie a její kontexty
journal article
Tomáš Fabián, Josef Kundrát, Lenka Skanderová, Karel Rečka, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš ... other authors
Year: 2022
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš, Helena Beranová, Lenka Skanderová, Tomáš Fabián, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, Tereza Benešová ... other authors
Year: 2022
Josef Kundrát, Zuzana Rojková
Year: 2021, New Ideas in Psychology
journal article
Faremi Boluwatife, Josef Kundrát, Valorie MacKenna, Ann Marie Hoyt-Brennan, Wendy Henderson, Hugo Posada-Quntero ... other authors
Year: 2025
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2025, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
journal article
Year: 2024
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2024
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš, Lenka Skanderová, Tomáš Fabián, Jan Platoš, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, Tereza Benešová ... other authors
Year: 2023, Metaphor and Symbol
journal article
Year: 2023, PsyArXiv
journal article
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, František Baumgartner, Tereza Benešová, Karel Paulík, Lenka Skanderová, Tomáš Fabián, Helena Beranová ... other authors
Year: 2023, Education and Information Technologies
journal article
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Tereza Benešová
Year: 2023
research report
Simona Oľhová, Barbara Lášticová, Josef Kundrát, Martin Kanovský
Year: 2023, Social Psychology of Education
journal article
Josef Kundrát, Lenka Skanderová, Karel Rečka
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš, Tereza Benešová, Kristina Thielová ... other authors
Year: 2022, Psychologie a její kontexty
journal article
Josef Kundrát, Hana Peigerová
Year: 2022, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
specialist book chapter
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Tomáš Fabián, Josef Kundrát, Lenka Skanderová, Karel Rečka, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš ... other authors
Year: 2022
Year: 2022
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš, Helena Beranová, Lenka Skanderová, Tomáš Fabián, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, Tereza Benešová ... other authors
Year: 2022
Zuzana Václavíková, Tereza Benešová, Josef Kundrát, Hana Peigerová, José Manuel Diego-Montecón, Zaira Ortiz-Laso, Samantha Armani, Francesca Morselli, Elisabetta Robotti, Simona Oľhová ... other authors
Year: 2022, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
specialist book
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
specialist book chapter
Josef Kundrát, Tomáš Fabián, Lenka Skanderová, Helena Beranová, Denisa Prachařová, Kristina Thielová, Leona Husáková, Apolena Pavlíčková, Veronika Trochtová, Hana Peigerová ... other authors
Year: 2022
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2021
radio and televison broadcast
Year: 2021
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2021
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2021
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2021
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Josef Kundrát, Zuzana Rojková
Year: 2021, New Ideas in Psychology
journal article
Andrea Maragliano, Francesca Morselli, Elisabetta Robotti, Josef Kundrát
Year: 2021
abstract in proceedings
Josef Kundrát, Tereza Benešová
Year: 2021
abstract in proceedings
Zuzana Rojková, Josef Kundrát
Year: 2020
abstract in proceedings
Tereza Benešová, Josef Kundrát
Year: 2020
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Tereza Benešová, Josef Kundrát
Year: 2020
abstract in proceedings
Josef Kundrát, Barbora Lisová, Zuzana Rojková
Year: 2020
abstract in proceedings
Hana Peigerová, Zuzana Rojková, Josef Kundrát
Year: 2019, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019
work experience abroad
Klára Machů, Karolina Brylová, Klára Wihodová, Jan Turek, Josef Kundrát, Daniel Dostál ... other authors
Year: 2019
abstract in proceedings
Josef Kundrát, Pavlína Drnková, Karel Paulík
Year: 2019, Ostravská univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Ostrava 2019
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019
abstract in proceedings
Josef Kundrát, Barbora Lisová
Year: 2019
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2019, Spoločenskovedný ústav CSPV SAV
specialist book chapter
Year: 2018
work experience abroad
Year: 2018
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Zdeněk Mlčák, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Ivana Poledňová, Josef Kundrát, Klára Machů, Marek Malůš ... other authors
Year: 2018
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2018
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
abstract in proceedings
Josef Kundrát, Karel Paulík, Panajotis Cakirpaloglu, Zuzana Rojková
Year: 2017
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Josef Kundrát, Panajotis Cakirpaloglu
Year: 2016
abstract in proceedings
Josef Kundrát, Panajotis Cakirpaloglu
Year: 2016, E-psychologie
journal article
Zdeněk Mlčák, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Josef Kundrát, Klára Machů, Marek Malůš, Maria Vašutová ... other authors
Year: 2016
organizing conference, workshop
Jana Prášilová, Josef Kundrát, Jakub Doleček
Year: 2016
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Josef Kundrát, Aleš Neusar
Year: 2012, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
specialist book chapter
Josef Kundrát, Aleš Neusar
Year: 2012, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
specialist book chapter
No record found.
Type of thesis
Hoblíková Adéla
Social psychological distance as the means of detecting the interests and talents
Master's thesis
Pavlíčková Apolena
Parenting and psychosis
Bachelor's thesis
Pollová Valentina
Selected personality characteristics of attitudinal assessment
Bachelor's thesis
Borejová Kateřina
Students Need for Cognition in Relation to the Evaluation of School Subjects
Bachelor's thesis
Curylo Tadeáš
Absence of the father in upbringing and the association with attitudes and values towards fatherhood and manhood in adolescent boys
Bachelor's thesis
Hamkrelidze Anastasiia
Relationship Between Trait Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence and Life Satisfaction Among University Students
Bachelor's thesis
Husáková Leona
Comparison of measuring attitudes through construal-level theory of psychological distance and self-designed questionnaire
Bachelor's thesis
Zajíček Vojtěch
Loneliness among people with disabilities
Bachelor's thesis
Žejdlová Magdalena
The effect of restricted environmental stimulation on content, dynamic and perception of interpersonal communication
Bachelor's thesis
Landkašová Monika
Self-efficacy, test anxiety and school grades in older school-age children
Bachelor's thesis
Macíčková Petra
The relationship between the mere presence of a smartphone and attention in young adults
Bachelor's thesis
Sosna Dominik
Relation between emotional experience and perception of space
Bachelor's thesis
Škvrnová Lucie
Experience of parents of children with autism spectrum disorders with the ESDM intervention model
Bachelor's thesis
Beranová Helena
Using interactive visual metaphors to measure relationship characteristics in small social groups
Bachelor's thesis
Janáková Tereza
Psychological aspects of preventive behavior of the COVID-19 pandemic
Bachelor's thesis
Jošková Michaela
Teachers attitudes to school classes
Bachelor's thesis
Nádvorníková Martina
Diagnostics of classroom social climate
Bachelor's thesis
Prachařová Denisa
Group diagnostics of school attitudes through the psychological distance
Bachelor's thesis
Thielová Kristina
Psychological distance and semantic differential as possibilities of measuring attitudes of primary school pupils and their comparison
Bachelor's thesis
Trochtová Veronika
Determining the interpretation of psychological distance using a cognitive interview
Bachelor's thesis
Hrstková Petra
Stress and work motivation in the chain store employees
Bachelor's thesis
Jakůbková Tereza
Self-concept of professional e-sport gamers
Bachelor's thesis
Klusoň Michal
Adaptation of the Children's Test Anxiety Scale into Czech language.
Bachelor's thesis
Krkošková Valerie
The Use of Applied Behavioral Analyses (ABA) Therapy for Individuals with "PAS"
Bachelor's thesis
Prymusová Hana
Psychological distance and classroom climate
Bachelor's thesis
Řežábová Aneta
Psychological aspects of a class climate and relationships in a class
Bachelor's thesis
Tylichová Klára
Psychological aspects of social skills practice among children with PAS in a school environment
Bachelor's thesis
Zbořilová Kateřina
Attitude of married couples to sharing photos of children on social networks
Bachelor's thesis
Božeková Nikola
Qualitative analysis of selected psychological context of educational games
Bachelor's thesis
Horníková Denisa
Coping with stress of teachers assistants
Bachelor's thesis
Kolářová Kristýna
Personality Characteristics of Driving School Teachers
Bachelor's thesis
Máčalová Vendula
The Influence of Experiential Educational Play on Curiosity and Social Anxiety
Bachelor's thesis
Repková Zuzana
Sources of distress in driving school pupils
Bachelor's thesis
Slovenčíková Markéta
Coping with psychological stress among novice teachers
Bachelor's thesis
Tichánková Soňa
Attitudes of sport talented high school students towards participants of education processes
Bachelor's thesis
Franc Tomáš
The approaches of school psychologists to the gifted and talented children in high school.
Bachelor's thesis
Franzová Veronika
Socially pathological phenomena in gifted pupils at primary schools
Bachelor's thesis
Frolík Jakub
Psychological aspects of cyberbullying amongst primary school pupils
Bachelor's thesis
Hrubá Hana
Approaches of school psychologists to gifted and talented children at elementary school
Bachelor's thesis
Koloničná Taťána
Selected psychological perception connections of women attractiveness
Bachelor's thesis
Michálková Michaela
The approaches of nursery school workers to gifted and talented children
Bachelor's thesis
Navrátilová Pavlína
Psychological distance and level of abstractness of mental representation
Bachelor's thesis
Novotná Veronika
Fantasy and motivation of role playing games players
Bachelor's thesis
Peigerová Hana
Psychological aspects of educational games
Bachelor's thesis
Pipreková Zuzana
Rewards and punishments in education of elementary school pupils
Bachelor's thesis
Šrubařová Michaela
Children's psychological diagnostics in process of cochlear implantations
Bachelor's thesis
Hoblíková Adéla
Teacher´s and student´s attitudes towards interactive educational technologies at primary schools
Bachelor's thesis
Humeníková Tereza
Specific Learning Disabilities of adolescents with impaired hearing
Bachelor's thesis
Klusoň Michal
Prosocial behavior in digital environments
Bachelor's thesis
Táborská Jana
Managing Strategies by Families with a Child with a Spectrum of Autistic Disorder
Bachelor's thesis
Tománková Tereza
Incomplete family in relationship to truancy of adolescents
Bachelor's thesis
Víchová Sabina
The influence of educative games on the behavior and attitudes of primary school pupils
Bachelor's thesis
Main solver
Mgr. Josef Kundrát, Ph.D.
4/2020 - 3/2023
Katedra psychologie, Program ÉTA
Main solver
Mgr. Josef Kundrát, Ph.D.
1/2019 - 12/2020
Specifický VŠ výzkum