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Jaromír Olšovský
Academic degree, name, surname:
PhDr. Ing. Jaromír Olšovský, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
Head of Department
Research interests and teaching:
Department (Faculty):
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 2003
No record found.
Jiří Brňovják, Dagmar Grossmannová, Ondřej Haničák, Radim Jež, Ivana Maloušková, Jakub Mamula, Ilona Matejko-Peterka, Jiří Juchelka, Michaela Kollerová, Vladimír Maňas, Alexandr Michl.Bernard, Karel Müller, Jaromír Olšovský, Radek Polách , Radmila Prchal-Pavlíčková, Michael Schweller, Pavel Solnický, Arthur Stögmann, Jiří Šíl, Lenka Vaňková, Marek Vařeka, Jaroslav Zezulčík ... other authors
Year: 2024, Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book
Year: 2023, Opuscula historiae artium
journal article
Year: 2021, Nakladatelství Academia, Středisko společných činností AV ČR, v.v.i.
specialist book chapter
Year: 2021, Nakladatelství Academia, Středisko společných činností AV ČR, v.v.i.
specialist book chapter
Year: 2021, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2021, Artefactum, nakladatelství Ústavu dějin umění Akademie věd ČR,v.v.i
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019, Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
specialist book
Year: 2017, Zprávy památkové péče
journal article
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016
Year: 2016
Year: 2016
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2016
Year: 2015, Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2015, Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014, Slezská univerzita v Opavě
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014, Slezské zemské muzeum, Opava
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014, Slezské zemské muzeum, Opava
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014, Opava: Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014, Opava: Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014, Opava: Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014, Opava: Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014, Opava: Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book chapter
Pavel Šopák, Jaromír Olšovský, A Kolektiv
Year: 2013, Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2012, - Časopis Slezského zemského muzea
journal article
Jaromír Olšovský, Pavel šopák, A Kol.
Year: 2012, Slezská univerzita
specialist book chapter
Jaromír Olšovský, Pavel šopák, A Kolektiv
Year: 2012, Slezská univerzita
specialist book chapter
Jaromír Olšovský, Pavel šopák, .. A Kol.
Year: 2012, Slezská univerzita
specialist book chapter
Jaromír Olšovský, Radek Fukala, Irena Korbelářová, Dušan Uhlíř, Rudolf Žáček
Year: 2012, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny
specialist book chapter
Year: 2011, Acta historica Universitatis Silesianae Opaviensis
journal article
Jaromír Olšovský, Dalibor Prix, Michal Zezula, Petr Kozák
Year: 2011, Národní památkový ústav v Ostravě
specialist book chapter
Jaromír Olšovský, Pavel šopák, A Kol.
Year: 2011, Slezské zemské muzeum v Opavě
specialist book chapter
Pavel šopák, Jaromír Olšovský
Year: 2011, Slezské zemské muzeum
specialist book chapter
Martin Elbel, Lubomír Konečný, Ondřej Jakubec, Jaromír Olšovský
Year: 2010, Muzeum umění Olomouc
specialist book chapter
No record found.
Type of thesis
Kania Kryštof
The Rudolphine graphics in the collections of the selected museum and galleries in Moravia and Silesia
Master's thesis
Assadi Tereza
Selected sculptural and carving works of ecclesiastical character in the context of Baroque sculpture in Upper Silesia
Master's thesis
Kania Kryštof
The artworks from the circle of the Emperor Rudolph II in the collections of European museums and galleries. The outline of the comparative approach
Bachelor's thesis
Grulichová Aneta
Chapel of Our Lady in Strakov
Bachelor's thesis
Kročková Barbora
The Activities of the Jesuit Order in Opava and Cieszyn in the field of the visual culture. Comparative approach
Bachelor's thesis
Samalbayeva Kamilla
The Self Portrait as a Specific Subject in the European Painting
Bachelor's thesis
Assadi Tereza
Main altar of parish church St John the Baptist in Hlučín in the context of Silesian sculpture of the 2nd half of the 17th century
Bachelor's thesis
Havránková Pavla
Devotional graphic with the theme of Virgin Mary in the collections of the Beskydy Museum in Frydek-Mistek
Bachelor's thesis
Plchotová Eliška
The architecture, sculptural and painting embellishment of the interior of the church of Corpus Christi in Stará Červená Voda
Bachelor's thesis
Říhová Karolína
The Architecture, sculptural and painting embellishment of the interior of the chapel of the Visitation of Virgin Mary in Rýmařov
Bachelor's thesis
Hujsová Kateřina
Parish church of saint John of Nepomuk in Stará Bělá
Bachelor's thesis
Konečná Petra
Nova Horka Chateau: history and transformations of the baroque mansion
Bachelor's thesis
Tichavská Anežka
Small chapels in the region of Osoblažsko
Bachelor's thesis
Belova Marina
Iconography of Saint Hedwig as a patron saint of Silesia in regard to Austrian Silesia
Bachelor's thesis
Halíková Gabriela
Church of Virgin Mary
Bachelor's thesis
Janečková Lucia
Influence of British museums on museums in the Czech lands
Bachelor's thesis
Kotzurová Kamila
Architectural development and interior decoration of St Trinity Church in Bohuslavice
Bachelor's thesis
Matějíčková Kamila
Johann Adam Delsenbach and his view paintings - illusion and reality
Bachelor's thesis
Stojaníková Lucie
Minorites in Krnov and their contribution to the art of the town Krnov
Bachelor's thesis
Vera Pellicer Adéla
Orthodox Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Prague. From its Foundation to the National Monument of Heydrichiade
Bachelor's thesis
Žaganová Martina
Selected wooden churches in Moravian Silesian region (Sedliště, Prašivá, Řepiště)
Bachelor's thesis
Kupková Markéta
Votive paintings of the 18th century in Czech Silesia. To the iconography of so-called fire paintings and its relationship to reality
Bachelor's thesis
Main solver
PhDr. Ing. Jaromír Olšovský, Ph.D.
1/2016 - 12/2016
Specifický VŠ výzkum