Habilitations, Professorships and Honorary Doctorates
Habilitations (procedure for the conferral of associate professorships) – requirements
- The application, specifying the field to which the application refers.
- The applicant’s structured curriculum vitae (including information on the applicant’s marital status and permanent address), signed and dated by the applicant.
- A certificate of the applicant’s Master’s-level university degree (legally certified copy).
- Certificates of any other university degrees awarded to the applicant (e.g. PhDr.), if applicable (legally certified copies).
- Certificates of academic degrees awarded to the applicant (e.g. Ph.D., CSc., DrSc., Dr. etc.) (legally certified copies).
- A summary and evaluation of the applicant’s research, academic and teaching activities signed by the Head of the applicant’s department/institute.
- A recommendation by the Director (Dean) of the applicant’s institute/faculty.
- A document confirming the applicant’s employment history at their home institution (issued by the personnel office of the applicant’s institute/faculty).
- A list of the applicant’s publications according to the table of criteria (see Appendix no. 3 – Quantitative criteria for the conferral of habilitations and professorships at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava).
- A brief presentation of what the applicant considers to be their three most important publications, including summaries and explanations of why they are considered to be important.
- A list of conference presentations and invited lectures.
- A list of grant projects in which the applicant has been/is involved.
- A list of teaching stays/visits, study stays/visits, and research stays/visits.
- Responses to the applicant’s academic research – a list of reviews, reports, citations, awards, etc.
- Membership and positions in academic committees, councils, associations, societies, and other bodies of relevance to the applicant’s field.
- Three proposed topics for the applicant’s habilitation lecture (with brief outlines of content).
- The applicant’s habilitation thesis (4x).
- The applicant’s publications (the three most important publications – see above; other publications by the applicant – monographs, studies, teaching texts, etc.) – hard copies of these should be submitted to the Faculty’s Academic Council for purposes of discussion as part of the habilitation procedure.
- Proof of payment of the administrative fee for the habilitation procedure (as per Directive no. 19/2015 issued by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts).
Conferral of professorships – requirements
- The applicant’s structured curriculum vitae (including information on the applicant’s marital status and permanent address), signed and dated by the applicant.
- A certificate of the applicant’s Master’s-level university degree (legally certified copy).
- Certificates of any other university degrees awarded to the applicant (e.g. PhDr.), if applicable (legally certified copies).
- Certificates of academic degrees awarded to the applicant (e.g. Ph.D., CSc., DrSc., Dr. etc.) (legally certified copies).
- A certificate of the applicant’s habilitation (legally certified copy)
- Recommendations from two professors (at least one from outside the Czech Republic, except in cases where an exception is justified) in the same or a similar field to that of the applicant (this requirement does not apply if the conferral procedure has been set in motion by a decision of the Dean or the Rector).
- A summary and evaluation of the applicant’s research, academic and teaching activities signed by the Head of the applicant’s department/institute.
- A recommendation by the Director (Dean) of the applicant’s institute/faculty.
- A document confirming the applicant’s employment history at their home institution (issued by the personnel office of the applicant’s institute/faculty).
- A list of the applicant’s publications according to the table of criteria (see Appendix no. 3 – Quantitative criteria for the conferral of habilitations and professorships at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava).
- A brief presentation of what the applicant considers to be their three most important publications, including summaries and explanations of why they are considered to be important.
- A list of conference presentations and invited lectures.
- A list of grant projects in which the applicant has been/is involved.
- A list of teaching stays/visits, study stays/visits, and research stays/visits.
- Responses to the applicant’s academic research – a list of reviews, reports, citations, awards, etc.
- Membership and positions in academic committees, councils, associations, societies, and other bodies of relevance to the applicant’s field.
- An outline of a lecture summarizing the applicant’s academic and teaching activities in the given field, including a summary of future activities.
- The applicant’s publications (the three most important publications – see above; other publications by the applicant – monographs, studies, teaching texts, etc.) – hard copies of these should be submitted to the Faculty’s Academic Council for purposes of discussion as part of the procedure for the conferral of professorships.
- Proof of payment of the administrative fee for the habilitation procedure (as per Directive no. 19/2015 issued by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts).
Updated: 11. 01. 2018