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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Arts > About > Organizational Structure > Departments & Centres > Department of Psychology

František Baumgartner

Academic degree, name, surname:
doc. PhDr. František Baumgartner, CSc.
Room, floor, building:
XH 809, Building XH
Research interests and teaching:
Department (Faculty):
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 1950

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František Baumgartner, Kateřina Müllerová
journal article
journal article
František Baumgartner, Eva Vancu, Kaltrina Kelmendi
journal article
Kaltrina Kelmendi, František Baumgartner
journal article
Kateřina Rečková, Karel Rečka, František Baumgartner
Year: 2019, CESK PSYCHOL
journal article
Kaltrina Kelmendi, František Baumgartner
journal article
František Baumgartner, Zuzana Wirtz, Catherine L. Ward, Ivana Poledňová
Year: 2017, Človek a spoločnosť
journal article
Year: 2016, Psychologie a její kontexty
journal article
Andrea Pokorná, Lada Cetlová, František Baumgartner, Ingrid Juhásová, Vlasta Dvořáková, Lada Nováková, Anneyce Anneyce Knight ... other authors
Year: 2016, MEFANET Journal
journal article
František Baumgartner, Eva Karaffová
Year: 2014, Psychologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
specialist book chapter

Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš, Lenka Skanderová, Tomáš Fabián, Jan Platoš, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, Tereza Benešová ... other authors
journal article
Year: 2023
organizing conference, workshop
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, František Baumgartner, Tereza Benešová, Karel Paulík, Lenka Skanderová, Tomáš Fabián, Helena Beranová ... other authors
journal article
František Baumgartner, Kateřina Müllerová
journal article
journal article
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Ivana Poledňová, Denisa Kuchtová, Zdenka Stránská, František Baumgartner
journal article
Tomáš Fabián, Josef Kundrát, Lenka Skanderová, Karel Rečka, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš ... other authors
Year: 2022
Year: 2022
Josef Kundrát, Karel Rečka, Karel Paulík, František Baumgartner, Marek Malůš, Helena Beranová, Lenka Skanderová, Tomáš Fabián, Martina Litschmannová, Adéla Vrtková, Tereza Benešová ... other authors
Year: 2022
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
journal article
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2021
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
František Baumgartner, Eva Vancu, Kaltrina Kelmendi
journal article
Kaltrina Kelmendi, František Baumgartner
journal article
Year: 2020, Stimul
specialist book chapter
František Baumgartner, Zuzana Klapuchová
Year: 2020
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2019, Ostravská univerzita, Filozofická fakulta
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019
radio and televison broadcast
Kateřina Rečková, Karel Rečka, František Baumgartner
Year: 2019, Československá psychologie
journal article
Kateřina Rečková, Karel Rečka, František Baumgartner
Year: 2019, CESK PSYCHOL
journal article
František Baumgartner, Oľga Orosová, Jozef Výrost
Year: 2019, Grada Publishing, a.s.
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019, Grada Publishing, a.s.
specialist book chapter
Year: 2019, Grada Publishing, a.s.
specialist book chapter
František Baumgartner, Monika Urbanová
Year: 2019, Spoločenskovedný ústav CSPV SAV
specialist book chapter
Year: 2018
organizing conference, workshop
Lucie Hartmannová, František Baumgartner
Year: 2018, Psychologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
specialist book chapter
Kaltrina Kelmendi, František Baumgartner
journal article
Year: 2017, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Filozofická fakulta
specialist book chapter
František Baumgartner, Zuzana Wirtz, Catherine L. Ward, Ivana Poledňová
Year: 2017, Človek a spoločnosť
journal article
Kaltrina Kelmendi, František Baumgartner
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
František Baumgartner, Viktória Kopuničová
Year: 2017, Ústav experimentálnej psychológie, Centrum spoločenských a psychologických vied SAV
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016, Psychologie a její kontexty
journal article
Year: 2016, Masarykova univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016
organizing conference, workshop
Andrea Pokorná, Lada Cetlová, František Baumgartner, Ingrid Juhásová, Vlasta Dvořáková, Lada Nováková, Anneyce Anneyce Knight ... other authors
Year: 2016, MEFANET Journal
journal article
František Baumgartner, Ester Sikorová
Year: 2015, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Filozofická fakulta
specialist book chapter
Dagmar Faastová, František Baumgartner
Year: 2015, Človek a spoločnosť
journal article
Ingrid Juhásová, František Baumgartner
Year: 2015, Logos Polytechnicos
journal article
František Baumgartner, Markéta Kubinová
Year: 2015, Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa
journal article
Zdenka Stránská, Sláva Brisudová, Ivana Poledňová, František Baumgartner
Year: 2015, Bookman s.r.o., pre Fakultu manažmentu Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove
specialist book chapter
František Baumgartner, Eva Karaffová
Year: 2014, Psychologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
specialist book chapter
František Baumgartner, Dagmar Faastová
Year: 2014, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Filozofická fakulta
specialist book chapter
Ingrid Juhásová, František Baumgartner
Year: 2014, Ošetrovateľstvo a pôrodná asistencia
journal article
Year: 2014
organizing conference, workshop
Ingrid Juhásová, Ľubica Ilievová, František Baumgartner
Year: 2013, Ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence
journal article
Ingrid Juhásová, Ľubica Ilievová, František Baumgartner, Zuzana Rojková
Year: 2013, Profese on-line
journal article
Year: 2013, -
journal article
Ľubica Ilievová, Ingrid Juhásová, František Baumgartner
Year: 2013, Journal of Health Sciences
journal article
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
Ingrid Juhásová, Ľubica Ilievová, František Baumgartner, Zuzana Rojková
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
František Baumgartner, Eva Karaffová
Year: 2012, Psychologie pro praxi
journal article
František Baumgartner, Zuzana Zacharová
Year: 2011, E-psychologie
journal article
Zuzana Zacharová, František Baumgartner
Year: 2011
abstract in proceedings
František Baumgartner, Eva Karaffová
Year: 2011
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2011, Katedra managementu, Prešovská univerzita v Prešove
specialist book chapter
František Baumgartner, Zuzana Zacharová
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Eva Karaffová, František Baumgartner
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
František Baumgartner, Zuzana Molčanová, Martina Chylová
Year: 2010, Slovak Academic Press
specialist book chapter
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2009
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2009, Československá psychologie
journal article
Year: 2009
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2009
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2009
abstract in proceedings
Zuzana Molčanová, František Baumgartner
Year: 2008, ÚEPs SAV, Slovak Academic Press
specialist book chapter
Year: 2008, Človek a spoločnosť
journal article
František Baumgartner, Oľga Orosová, Jozef Výrost
Year: 2008, Grada Publishing
specialist book chapter
Year: 2008, Grada Publishing
specialist book chapter
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2007, Sociálne a politické analýzy
journal article
Year: 2007
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006, Studia psychologica
journal article
Year: 2006
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006, ÚEPs SAV, Slovak Academic Press
specialist book chapter
Year: 2006
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006, Neuveden
specialist book chapter
Year: 2006, Človek a spoločnosť
journal article
Year: 2006, Universum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2005, Spoločenskovedný ústav SAV
specialist book chapter
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2005, Spoločenskovedný ústav SAV
specialist book chapter
Year: 2005, Človek a spološnosť
journal article
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2005, Universum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2005, Neuveden
specialist book chapter
Year: 2005, Človek a spoločnosť
journal article
Year: 2004, Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa
journal article
Year: 2004, Studia Psychologica
journal article
Year: 2004
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2004, Universum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2003, Spoločenskovedný ústav SAV
specialist book
Year: 2003, Psychologický ústav Akademie věd ČR a SCAN
specialist book chapter

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Type of thesis
Musil Aleš
Supported Housing Project for Romani families endangered by social exclusion, as seen by its clients and social workers
Advanced thesis
Klapuchová Zuzana
Coping with stressful situations in relation to burnout syndrome among teachers
Master's thesis
Kucserová Markéta
Emotional and social skills of adolescents
Master's thesis
Lingová Renata
Manifestations of aggressive behaviour in partnership in period of emerging adulthood
Master's thesis
Morysová Iveta
Components of self-care and their using by teachers
Master's thesis
Vlčková Veronika
Autistic features, empathy and systemizing of parents of children with autistic spectrum disorders
Master's thesis
Knapková Tereza
The relationship between six-factor model of personality HEXACO and risk behavior in cyberspace among adolescents.
Master's thesis
Červená Iveta
Emotional intelligence in relation to job satisfaction of helping professions
Master's thesis
Hudzietzová Lucie
The Role of Motivation of Unemployed Under 30 During a Long Job Search
Master's thesis
Mžyková Kristýna
Emotional and social competence in relation to aggressive behavior in school classes
Master's thesis
Rajnochová Hana
The development of emotional and social competencies in childhood and adolescence
Master's thesis
Břemková Lenka
The emotional intelligence of clinical staff in relation to well-being
Master's thesis
Filipcová Martina
Partner selection and preferences of university students
Master's thesis
Prášková Lenka
Emotional intelligence in relation to risky behavior
Master's thesis
Kufová Maria
Coping strategies of women's shelter clients from developmental perspective
Master's thesis
Davidová Hana
Emotional Intelligence and Its Effect on Sports Performance
Bachelor's thesis
Pařízek Štěpán
Performance in tasks of spatial imagination
Bachelor's thesis
Šedová Adéla
Loneliness of elders living at home and nursing homes
Bachelor's thesis
Gongolová Anna
Changes in the male role in contemporary society in relation to satisfaction in partner relationships
Bachelor's thesis
Kaňkovská Tereza
Emotional intelligence in relation to life satisfaction
Bachelor's thesis
Lichnovská Marie
Women in established adulthood and their experience of coping with difficult life situations
Bachelor's thesis
Pastejříková Anna
Preference of deliberation - intuition in decision making
Bachelor's thesis
Šestáková Sára
The relationship between the range of mental capacity and the incidence of ironic errors
Bachelor's thesis
Šmídová Kateřina
(In)authenticity and online self-presentation in the context of self-acceptance and narcissism
Bachelor's thesis
Vlasova Aleksandra
Coping with stressful situations in the period of established adulthood
Bachelor's thesis
Bodrova Alexandra
Emotional intelligence in relation to the dark triad
Bachelor's thesis
Dokoupilová Anna
Loneliness in relation to subjectively experienced meaningfulness of life
Bachelor's thesis
Glajcová Veronika
Situational factors of emotional regulation
Bachelor's thesis
Herková Petra
Coping with stressful situations in people recovering from addiction
Bachelor's thesis
Horenská Lucie
Meaningful Work and its Connections to Work Motivation
Bachelor's thesis
Potišková Laura
The relationship between dogmatism and personality traits of the Big Five model
Bachelor's thesis
Válková Lucie
The connection between self-acceptance and attachment in adulthood
Bachelor's thesis
Cieslarová Radka
Eudaimonic and hedonic conceptions of well-being and their alterations during adulthood
Bachelor's thesis
Krchnavá Daniela
Emotional intelligence and self-efficacy in relation to work engagement
Bachelor's thesis
Kuncová Natálie
Dating of memories in episodic memory
Bachelor's thesis
Šoustková Dominika
Emotional intelligence and approach to patients in healthcare professionals
Bachelor's thesis
Hrbáčková Eliška
Personification and perception of death among school age children (6-9 years)
Bachelor's thesis
Krakovská Michaela
Motivation for hunting activity in relation to personality traits
Bachelor's thesis
Kursová Kateřina
Sibling constellation in connection with mental health in adolescence and young adulthood
Bachelor's thesis
Lapotka Kseniya
Superstitiousness in relation to trait anxiety and locus of control among college students
Bachelor's thesis
Mikolášová Marie
Generativity and emotional intelligence during adulthood
Bachelor's thesis
Rybová Karolína
Quality of Life and Experience of Loneliness during Young Adulthood
Bachelor's thesis
Buček Martin
Value preferences of high school students in relation to well-being
Bachelor's thesis
Ilavský Jakub
Experiencing loneliness in relation to personality characteristics
Bachelor's thesis
Műllerová Kateřina
The use of social networks and experiencing loneliness
Bachelor's thesis
Rubešová Anežka
Performance in memory tasks and its determinants
Bachelor's thesis
Stodůlka David
Regulation of emotions of professional athletes in stressful situations
Bachelor's thesis
Vlčková Veronika
The Use of Functional Behavior Assessment Based Intervention in the Reduction of Challenging Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Bachelor's thesis
Kratinová Radka
The relationship between lying and emotional intelligence
Bachelor's thesis
Lištiaková Kristýna
Music perception in connection with its emotional effect
Bachelor's thesis
Nedvídková Hana
Addiction to alcohol and partnership
Bachelor's thesis
Tomečková Kateřina
Social support and its meaning for mothers on parental leave
Bachelor's thesis
Hartmannová Lucie
The role of media in self-concept formation of young women
Bachelor's thesis
Okrouhlá Eva
Emotional attachment in the context of loneliness in young adulthood
Bachelor's thesis
Procházková Nikola
The relationship between self-regulation and risk behaviour in adolescence
Bachelor's thesis
Schwanová Andrea
Work engagement and counterproductive work behavior
Bachelor's thesis
Sluková Barbora
Self-Control and Coping Strategies in Teachers
Bachelor's thesis
Urbanová Monika
Emotional intelligence and experiencing loneliness
Bachelor's thesis
Vaverová Marie
Phenomenon of late motherhood in the context of developmental phase of  young adulthood
Bachelor's thesis
Hekerová Barbora
Comparison between yonger and older generation in their views of partnership
Bachelor's thesis
Kašpárková Lucie
Experience of loneliness, meaning of life and well-being among university students
Bachelor's thesis
Pinková Kamila
Emotional intelligence in relation to six-dimensional model of personality
Bachelor's thesis
Rečková Kateřina
Emotional Intelligence and Its Relationship to Machiavellianism
Bachelor's thesis
Wihodová Klára
Stress situations in the life of preschool children from the parents point of view
Bachelor's thesis
Barošová Klára
The influence of personality structure and temperament on the academic performance
Bachelor's thesis
Bednárek Aleš
Emotional Intelligence and Recognition of Emotional Expressions
Bachelor's thesis
Chylíková Kristýna
Coping with stress by using of situational approach
Bachelor's thesis
Černá Michaela
Emotional intelligence as an ability in relation to general intelligence
Bachelor's thesis
Matulová Blanka
Differences in remembering depending on the presentation of stimuli
Bachelor's thesis
Sztalmach Michal
Personality structure and perceived meaningfulness of life in young adulthood
Bachelor's thesis
Volková Michaela
Effectiveness of coping among university students
Bachelor's thesis
Faastová Dagmar
Value orientation and volunteering
Bachelor's thesis
Klapuchová Zuzana
Perception of music as a source of intense emotional reactions
Bachelor's thesis
Kucserová Markéta
Value preferences of adolescents and young adults
Bachelor's thesis
Malá Natálie
Emotion regulation strategies in relation to personality traits in period of young adulthood
Bachelor's thesis
Otáhalíková Pavla
Social support and its role in coping in adolescents
Bachelor's thesis
Procházková Michaela
Lay theories of emotional intelligence
Bachelor's thesis
Synková Barbora
Negative effects in interpersonal relationships among teachers at primary and secondary school
Bachelor's thesis
Zemanová Tereza
Emotional Understanding in Interpersonal Situations
Bachelor's thesis
Brachaczková Lucie
Strategies and methods of coping with stressful situations in police practice
Bachelor's thesis
Burdíková Vendula
Regulation of emotions in demanding situations at firefighter profession
Bachelor's thesis
Kozlová Radka
Positive and negative emotional expressivity in relation to personality traits
Bachelor's thesis
Machulová Nela
Development of emotional symptoms in childhood
Bachelor's thesis
Mirková Pavla
Coping with stressful situations in adolescents with regard to social context
Bachelor's thesis
Pachlopníková Šárka
Memory performance depending on the task type
Bachelor's thesis
Poláková Lucia
Child abuse in family and its perception among pupils of upper primary and secondary schools
Bachelor's thesis
Savková Daniela
Manipulation in interpersonal communication and its using to seniors
Bachelor's thesis
Volková Michaela
Verbal and nonverbal communication in interpersonal relationships
Bachelor's thesis
Carbolová Tereza
Emotional intelligence and motivation for volunteering
Bachelor's thesis
Golichová Veronika
Effects of psychoses on clients' interpersonal relationships
Bachelor's thesis
Kubinová Markéta
Recognition of Emotion from Facial Expressions in Adolescents from Children's Homes and Adolescents Living in a Family
Bachelor's thesis
Machová Tereza
Perception of emotion of facial expression
Bachelor's thesis
Novotná Petra
Emotional intelligence in relation to personality characteristics
Bachelor's thesis
Oletzká Jana
Relevance of emotional intelligence in social workers´ activities
Bachelor's thesis
Sikorová Ester
Emotional Intelligence and Prosocial Behavior of Students from Different Types of Secondary Schools
Bachelor's thesis
Ševčíková Marie
Changes in consciousness after consumption of addictive substances
Bachelor's thesis
Tobola Kamil
Chronically ill children's perception of illness
Bachelor's thesis
Adámková Katrin
The influence of emotional intelligence on family relationships
Bachelor's thesis
Antalová Veronika
Emotional intelligence and school performance
Bachelor's thesis
Dalecká Tereza
Emotional Intelligence and Team Cohesion in Organizations
Bachelor's thesis
Guzdková Barbora
Effectiveness of Coping Strategies
Bachelor's thesis
Kamenská Taťána
Coping strategies with demanding situations in developmental perspective
Bachelor's thesis
Kuchnová Aneta
Emotional intelligence in relation to aggressive behavior
Bachelor's thesis
Kunová Hana
Moral intelligence in the context of personality
Bachelor's thesis
Malantová Andrea
Emotional intelligence in personal relationships
Bachelor's thesis
Nezgodová Nogolová Aneta
Relations of emotional intelligence to other types of inteligence
Bachelor's thesis
Tatíčková Romana
Emotional inteligence and well-being
Bachelor's thesis
Havrlantová Eliška
Role of Emotional Intelligence in Coping With Stressful Situations in Adolescence.
Bachelor's thesis
Kielarová Miroslava
Emotional intelligence middle health workers
Bachelor's thesis
Rajnochová Hana
Emotional intelligence in students of different branches
Bachelor's thesis
Rybiařová Barbora
Personal sources of resistance to load the selected components of the Integrated Rescue System
Bachelor's thesis

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