Degree Programmes

Philosophy. International Program

Degree programme
Philosophy. International Program
Faculty of Arts
Type of study
Doctoral (Ph.D.) study
Form of study
Standard length of study
4 years
Academic degree
Language of study
Application from-to
15. 11. 2024 - 15. 05. 2025
Start of studies
September 2025
Tuition fee
65 000 CZK


Degree programme in a nutshell

The aim of our doctoral program is to prepare scholars who will be able to reflect theoretically on historical and systematic forms of philosophical thought and will be able to critically assess contemporary human and social problems in general. Through thought-formation and special research methods, they will be able to contribute to the resolution of these time-based problems in the diverse contexts of social theory and practice, cultural life, science, art, politics, the world of work, and religion or spirituality. Due to the professional profile of the members of the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava and the partner institution, which is the Doctoral College of Philosophy at the Doctoral School of the University of Wrocław, where the PhD student is completing a part of his/her studies, the composition of the departmental board and the supervisors of the PhD students, the study is focused on a wide range of topics related to the history of philosophical thought and the systematic research of traditional and new issues that are the subject of philosophical reflection in contemporary society.

What do we expect from you?

The doctoral programme is intended for outstanding graduates of the philosophy programme or related (not only) humanities and social sciences (e.g. psychology, sociology, political science, religious studies, gender studies, etc.).

The fulfilment of the declared aims of the study is pursued by a corpus of compulsory and obligatory elective theoretical and methodological courses provided by the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava and the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Wrocław. Above all, the study assumes that the PhD student, under the guidance of a supervisor from the University of Ostrava and a consultant from the University of Wrocław, will actively engage in his/her own research and participate in the scientific work and professional discussion of the scientific community at both institutions. Within the scope of his/her topic, he/she will publish scientific studies, present them at conferences, and create scientific micro-teams that will participate in the resolution of professional-scientific grant projects.

Admissions procedure

Expected number of candidates admitted this year


Conditions for admission

  1. Submit the application to study and pay the administrative fee for the admissions procedure.
  2. Obtain an official document proving your previous education as stipulated by the Conditions for admission. For a doctoral degree programme, full completion of studies in at least a Master's degree programme. If you completed the previous education in a foreign country (outside the Czech Republic), we recommend that you submit the Application for The Recognition of Foreign Education to the University of Ostrava – see Foreign Transcripts.
  3. Further conditions for admission to the doctoral degree programme are as follows:
    1. the submission of a doctoral dissertation research proposal. The proposal must correspond with the research specializations of the Department of Philosophy and an appropriate dissertation supervisor must be available.
    2. the successful completion of the entrance examination: oral interview
    3. Applicants for the doctoral degree programme must also send or attach to their e-application:
      1. a curriculum vitae, including information on the applicant’s proficiency in foreign languages according to the CEFR,
      2. an overview of relevant activities (publications, participation in conferences, study stays abroad),
      3. if available, a letter of recommendation from a university teacher or researcher,
      4. any language certificates awarded to the applicant.

Applicants must submit all the documents by 15 May 2025 by uploading the pdf format to the e-application.

Content of the entrance examination

The entrance examination takes the form of an oral interview in English, which mainly concerns the dissertation research proposal - project (its conception, methodological background, the orientation of the topic, etc.). The interview may also include a test of knowledge of another foreign and source language. If the applicant has not achieved a Master's degree in Philosophy, the oral entrance examination may also focus on the orientation in subjects, knowledge of which is required in the PhD programme Philosophy. International Program (i.e., basic orientation in the history of philosophy and philosophical systematics).

Criteria for the evaluation of the entrance examination

The entrance examination is evaluated on a points-based principle. The maximum possible points score is 100. The minimum score for admission is 50 points.

Possibility of waiving the requirement to pass the entrance examination

No exemptions are granted.

Admissions Inquiry Form


  • General questions on studies and the admissions procedure will be answered at Student Office.
  • Questions from applicants with specific needs (e.g. a disability) will be answered by our Centrum Pyramida.
  • Do you need advice on what else you could study or which studies are most suitable for you? Contact our Counseling and Career Centre.