
Students outside the Erasmus+ framework may study at the University of Ostrava as Exchange Students for a period of 1 month up to 1 semester with an official bilateral agreement between our two institutions. The precise conditions of each exchange are set out in bilateral agreements signed by the University of Ostrava - Faculty of Arts and the partner university. Review our current agreements. 

To participate in a bilateral exchange, your university’s international office must nominate you. Please express your wish to study at the University of Ostrava with your university’s international office. You do not have to pay a fee as an exchange student.

Students from partner universities spending a full semester at the Faculty of Arts as part of a bilateral exchange enjoy the same benefits as all regular students – possibility of accommodation in dormitories, free use of libraries and other facilities at the University of Ostrava, discounted public transport tickets, free Czech language courses, and more. 

You can also study as a so-called Freemover. Freemovers are foreign students coming for short-term mobility outside the cooperation agreements signed between the University of Ostrava and the partner university. These prospective students are admitted on the basis of an individual agreement between the University of Ostrava and the student for at least one semester. The study of freemovers is paid.

Coordinator for non-EU credit mobility 

Find more information in the Fact Sheet sample and search for courses, you can study below. 

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why study at our faculty

Updated: 07. 05. 2024